Taroland: July 2009

20 July, 2009

Cupcake Day

I saw this shop in newpaper, so check out for their website, yesterday we went to get the cute cupte..

its YUMMY and cute..



17 July, 2009

Pure Love of Animals

Its so touch.. nothing can compete with animals pure love.

09 July, 2009

Update: Taro's 2.5ft CRS Tank

Finally kick the lazy worms away, and get a photo of Taro's 2.5ft CRS tank. :P

C&C are welcome :)


07 July, 2009

OMG!! Someone Molest Oki!!!

help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone molest my Oki!!!! help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


what a sweetie Oki is.... MUAK!! love you, boy!!

02 July, 2009

Lets OKIKO!!

~*~~** Oki ~**~*

~**~*~ Iko *~*~~

~*~~** Oki wants to play ~**~*~