Taroland: Mod = Rules

25 February, 2009

Mod = Rules

Mod/ Elite =Rules, and these rules can be change according to their personal needs. Thumb up!!

I never know there are such a flexible forum available in town, rules can be always change. It is reasonable to change if old rules are not effective and it change to a better rules that help up the forum. But this Flexible is according to Mod n Elite needs. #1 Forum!!

Before the Elite member put whole lots of pets up for adoption with FEES, it is stated in the first post that the animals up for adoption should be FOC. If owner need a vet bill, the bill have to be attached.

TElite member put up a whole lots of pets for adoption , her closest friend said most of the time she was not stay at home, but her darling house. Guess she is out of space? or run out of money again? Not very sure.. anyway the adoption fees show as below..

'1 pack of organic cat food mixed with solid gold katz and floken'

Yes a token of appreciation is reasonable, but I would like to know the above pets food really just a token? or its a HUGE TOken? Does the Token = buying the pets?

So make sure you updated yourselve before you post anything in the forum :P.


Anonymous said...

Actually that sentence means that the food is given to the adopter together with the hedgehog. Not the owner request from the person wanting to adopt.

Nezumitaro said...

guess you need to read it again :)

unless the adoption fees also for the adopter :P

Reanne said...

I've been asked to come here and advised to clarify any doubts since it's involving my pets and myself, so here it goes. I didn't update my Adoption post yet, but for those who would like to know, my grandfather passed away in the hospital soon after the operation, which was when he was supposed to move in with us. I'll update the post soon, more details on the adoption will be explained there.

Adoption fees for Izxian was RM50 and I gave him 2 packs of 50%Solid Gold Katz N Flocken mixed with 50% Organics Cat food.

He didn't bring money with him at the time so he asked to bank in to me later that day. I said no problem. Honestly, till today I didn't even check my bank acc to see if he banked in yet but he updated me on Mable, which was good enough.

As for the others, though one of the duprasi was written to come with an adoption fee, since Kelvin adopted them and I knew he is a responsible pet owner, I did not ask for a fee.

SCC got Bella for RM60. If I was so hard up for cash, I would ask back for the amount I paid for the gliders, which is much more than that. And another thing is, I got the gliders from Seremban. I thought they were worth rescuing as the seller was not a petshop and wanted to get rid of them. Drove to Seremban at 4am to collect them. They already had the scars and healed injuries when I got them.

Now I am offering Jelly to SCC without any fee. I only asked her to not breed her, pamper her and send me updates on her. Jelly was not from the same person as Bella. I paid more for Jelly than Bella and I am not asking for any money or material in return.

I hope that helps to clear any doubts. But in the future I would appreciate it if you could at least ask me or the adopter what's going on before posting misleading info.