This is happened in one of the forum on 4th Sept 2008, when this was happened, it really surprised me. I was sharing info with other forum members in the Sugar Glider V7, and its up to 2500posts, which we need to open a new thread as V8 and close the V7. So I post in V7 ' anyone go open V8 please?' because I know that Crxxxxxxxx_xxx was not infront of her desk, she was outside with someone. So a member suggess I open the Sugar Glider V8. Therefore, I opened one....@ 02.04PM, and I quoted the info from V7 also stated creadits goes to the Crxxxxxxxx_xxx. Fair?

Follow by reserving a few posts for infomations, then I started to copy and paste the info, but half way, this pop up...

I found the thread was deleted...can you tell me why? And who has the authority to do so?

Follow by reserving a few posts for infomations, then I started to copy and paste the info, but half way, this pop up...

I found the thread was deleted...can you tell me why? And who has the authority to do so?
And surprisingly, I saw the below. The Sugar Glider V7 is close by Crxxxxxxse_xxx @ 2.17pm. But aren't her out there, where totally no computer with her?? How can she online? Means someone using her ID to login? Yes someone..

GUESS WHAT!!! The new Sugar Glider V8 is up!!! @ 2.21pm with the same info..

I try to ask what was happening, hope someone will tell me system got problem.. but I was being ignore, ignore because unable to answer me? I am sure you canot answer me while you purposely delete me for your personal reason.

So now, who is playing the power? I did try to ask why this can happened, the answer I got is.. Mod can deleted anything if he/she feel not right, but I would like to know what is NOT RIGHT??
So basically, this forum is a personal playground, and its Mod playground. There are no rules, cause Mod is the rules, their rules are difficult to update, why?? Click here for more...
... haih...
Power abused....
PW mod always Sux like hell....
It's sad that abuse of power happens everywhere. That's how Kugan died. The point is that what CRAZYMOUSE has done or continues to do is very similar to what the cops did to Kugan, just that now she does not have the power to physically kill people.
If you put her in a high ranking position of power, she would definitely be capable of such vile things. She certainly has a heart of stone and revels in power.
After all, she feels no remorse when her pets die due to her own doing.
I LOL-ed hard!
Looks like you really like to snatch other ppl thread ya?
U should get permission from the original thread starter before starting your own
I dunno why the hell you wanna snatch people's thread so much
Being a Thread starter make you proud?
Who's childish? Sorry, I am a little lost here.
Is it the person who disappeared after the report came up? Disappeared under the pretext of being busy and thereafter saying her glider fried her monitor. Oh, that reminds me. This childish person must be so horrible as to allow her glider to go near electrical devices. The glider is really lucky not to have been fried herself! Useless owner!
Or is it the person who squandered away her parents' money in some college for a few years and made a 360 degree change in courses. Tsk tsk tsk, the luxury of having parents with bucket loads of dough does make one childish.
Ooops sorry if I have wandered off topic here. I deeply apologise to the owner of this blog.
Again the LOL-ed person is HUN aka Crazymouse_yyh from LYN.
Hun sucks! Bad mod and proud of being thread starters. She very miserable if anyone else open sugar glider thread. She loose her power and reputation if someone else open sugar glider thread.
She wants full control over it so that her business in selling wild old so called joeys and her bad poisonous product goes well.
Yes many have been tricked by her lies. Your time is over Hun. You are going down bitch!
LOL-ed hard!Anonymous,
oh i never know that in that forum got such rule of certain thread is BELONGS to certain people?
if its belongs to certain people and not public, maybe everyone can open their own glideer thread there?
you dare to mention the word 'snatch'.. thick skin..
don't forget the post is quoted the name of crazyXXXXX_XXX...
So why nezumitaro wanted to open the thread so much?
Proud of being a thread starter too?
And Nezumitaro, do you know copyright law?
Do you know wat is plagiarism?
Those article are written by someone else and you who wanted to repost the article should have consent from the original writer before posting it, not straight away credit them
Its like company A copy company B storyline without consent but with credit, wtf is this? LOL
Hahahaa.... If she so desperate for power or being a thread starter why didn't she take back the previous thread? She is a mod right? She can do that right? Then why didn't she?
Everybody knows you spammed the thread on purpose and made it close so you can open the new one as soon as you had the chance.
YES, it is normal to ASK the previous thread starter or to inform them. It's called COURTESY.
please respect yourself and others, do not use bad words.
--> So why nezumitaro wanted to open the thread so much?
why you feel I want to open it so much? I don't feel the 'so much' at all. Maybe someone got a small heart? thats why they feel that way? Anyway don't put yourself in such a high place. If you can 24/7 infront of the computer, make sure you start the thread on time, not blocking the world to turn. Go ahead to hug the thread as long as you like. I don't need it.
--> Hahahaa.... If she so desperate for power or being a thread starter why didn't she take back the previous thread? She is a mod right? She can do that right? Then why didn't she?
of cos she has the POWER to do so. But why she don't? that you need to ask her. I never make assumption when I am not sure of something.. not like someone always like to accuse and assume. :P
Hahahaa.... If she so desperate for power or being a thread starter why didn't she take back the previous thread? She is a mod right? She can do that right? Then why didn't she?
Just a quick note to say: She probably didn't take the thread (I will refrain from using the word 'back' as I believe it's a public forum and there is nothing to take back) because that was the time the report came out and she was doing a disappearing act. Remember? That was why she and her cronies got KP to open one of the threads.
How quickly we forget...
But then again, perhaps I am just assuming. Perhaps she was 'coincidentally' really busy.
Ignorance really is bliss. You say you never make assumptions when you are not sure of something? Did you listen to the other party's story? How sure are you that what you heard is true?
The fact is you never bothered to listen to the people you are blogging about so your information is not credible.
And the assumption on the cyanide? Come on man! That's the same amount of cyanide in the air we breathe! Since you can afford the best for your gliders, go get oxygen canisters and fill your whole house with pure oxygen because the air is POISON! Go buy distilled water because the filtered or boiled water we drink has the same amount of cyanide! The fruits we buy have cyanide too! Oh NO!!
oh ya hor...
how come I am soo forgetful? yeah yeah.. KP..
Now i remember.. V8 close so fast @ 2417 posts, which actually can have 83 post more @_@ here the link
yes.. again just my wild guess..
Disappearing acts? Wow, she can do magic? Somewhere in between this squabble before the thread was tossed around, she said she was going to be busy and can not come online often.
Go read back and you will find it.
sorry I never hear any story, I blog for what I SEE. maybe you need to hear an other story??
why people head is so xxxx, did I really blog and make the cyanide case BIG? please please please... read carefully..
its about..
(hope you can see this time ya.. guess its BIG enough for you to read)
aha so that was TAG from LYN replying a.k.a HUN's messenger.
You talk so much la TAG. Show off bla bla bla. Yet you don't even know to care for any pets. Talking so much until you make people realize you are very stupid.
If I was selling a product, I would immediately come out and defend it instead of going into hiding. No matter how busy I was, I would not just leave it as it is, unless there was something really wrong about the product.
If you say that such amounts of cyanide is harmless, then she should have just come out and say so calmly and rationally instead of just keeping quiet.
Again I am just assuming - perhaps, she just disappeared because she could not explain the calcium to phosphorus ratio since there was no added calcium supplements? Why don't you go ponder on that? :)
By the way, 'disappearing act' is just a metaphor. Are you so upset that you can't think straight and actually pounce on that phrase to make a sarcastic retort and make silly magician remarks? Are we not participating in an intelligent debate here? Perhaps, I was mistaken?
Your responses here seem to be somewhat emotional. Do try and keep calm and answer with intelligence, ok? No necessity for ridiculous responses that can only serve to further ignite flames.
Wow, you really do not understand what I said. You blog for what you SEE, but are you sure it's not what they want you to SEE?
You ASSUMED I am TAG. Hahahaa..... He's going to LOVE this.
I only believe my own eyes. and again, I hear no story, but I do hear that someone say alot rummos, wonder where the rummos from? But so far non come tell me what is the rummos about.
OMg we are out of TOPIC.. back tot he TOPIC please...
I LOL-ed hard Anonymous,
-->Looks like you really like to snatch other ppl thread ya?
this is really a interesting word.
The above statement is make by someone who dare not use her real name to post up. IF its a real fact, why don't you dare to post up your name?
Let everyone judge these.
by KP
Sugar Glider Thread V8 close @ 2417 post.
Sugar Glider V9 opened
V8 close way before it reach 2500post, but KP started V9, is this consider 'why the hell you wanna snatch people's thread so much', 'Being a Thread starter make you proud?' & 'CHILDISH!!!' ??
While someone ask me @
Sugar Glider V7 post 2503 to start Sugar Glider V8, consider all the statements above mentioned.
I would like to know why the thread I started was deleted, but KP's not?
Can any Anonymous here give me a reasonable explaination?
Why I don't want to post with my real name? For the same reason why the people openly swearing and cursing put themselves as anonymous too.
Maybe she had asked permission or gotten consent to post up other people's information and to start the new thread.
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